Author Archives: reader

Wholemeal Bread

Lorraine from Hamilton writes, Countdown have a lockdown price in their in-store bakery on bread called ‘wholemeal and grain sandwich loaf’. Don’t be put off buying it if you like the thicker toast slice. It’s 90% wholemeal and just as filling per slice as toast bread. Good value I think for fresh bread at $2.00 […]

Generic gift

Yvette from Australia says, Generic gift: purchase 4 plastic key tags in different bright colours and label simply ‘car’ ‘house’ ‘shed’ ‘mailbox’ etc and give for keys and spares with a snap lock carabiner for keeping them all together and to hang up. A key detector could be attached, I used to have one that […]

The perfect gift

Polly from Auckland has this tip, The perfect gift for those you find difficult to buy for would be a cotton or canvas shopping bag as plastic bags are being phased out at supermarkets.

Appealing porridge

Caron from the Waikato has this tip, Someone asked how to make porridge more appealing. If you think out of the box you can add all sorts of goodies to your porridge. I use my elderly father’s method: before bedtime, in a medium sized Pyrex bowl measure in rolled oats, an equal measure of milk […]

A great bus service

Caron from the Waikato writes, I wasn’t able to use my car for several days so was nudged into investigating the excellent bus service in my city. I downloaded the bus timetable app onto my phone which tells me how many minutes away the next bus is. I can pretty well get to most of […]

Freezing cheese

JO from Waimate writes, Thank you for putting my question about cheese in your newsletter. In the meantime, I have tried to freeze some slices in a jam jar and they came out perfectly! Thank you!

Good gardening

John from Northland writes: I gather seaweed from a local beach. It gets washed up in big tides so it’s easy to collect. We had so much of it that I just dumped it in a pile in a place that was easy to get to with my trailer. This weekend I have been preparing […]

Diswashing liquid and frugal living

Carolyn from Auckland writes: Dishwashing liquid – I do not have a dishwasher so grate good old Sunlight soap and it is great. I make my own laundry products from Binn Inn – Baking soda and again grated Sunlight soap and a few drops of essential oils where necessary, likewise I have a container of […]