Monthly Archives: May 2017

Save seeds

Jules of Napier writes: “Save seeds from supermarket or market purchased vegetables. If the seeds are moist such as tomato, pumpkin etc, space them out onto paper towels or toilet roll sheets. Write the date and variety on the paper. I love checking out farmers markets for unusual varieties of vegetables that contain seeds to […]

Slugs & snails

Trish from Tauranga says, “To keep slugs and snails away from newly planted seedlings, just make a small flat container out of tin foil and put 3 or 4 slices of cucumber on it. The cucumber and tin foil together seem to give off an unnoticed smell which slugs and snails don’t like. I put […]

Low cost winter meals

The winter chill has set in so we thought it time to revisit the best of the oily rag tips about low-cost tummy-warming winter meals. Thrifty from Whangarei writes, “I bought an old cast-iron casserole dish with a lid from a garage sale for just a few dollars, and now I make delicious and inexpensive […]

Hungry appliances and free motoring

Lorraine from Whangarei has a question. “How can you check if your appliances are power hungry?” There are a number of things Lorraine could do, depending on how far she wants to take this – starting with looking for the energy star rating sticker on the appliance. The next step could be to buy a […]

Business travel

TS from Whangarei has a tip for business travellers  “I read your article in the Northern Advocate and wanted to add a tip for business travellers – to utilise Airbnb and even Bookabach for more affordable accommodation than motels. We provide a self-contained flat in Whangarei on these platforms that is available for 1 or […]

Pet odour

Karen from Dunedin writes, “Puppy toilet training, and accidents. Enzymes are needed. The odour remover for pet urine is very expensive. It’s important to remove the odour from the floor, you may not smell it even though you think you have cleaned it well, but they can. Use washing powder with enzymes, it works really […]

Fuel tax

Low petrol prices is good news for frugal motorists, but an oily ragger has asked why, given the collapse in crude prices, petrol pump prices are not a lot lower. The answer is actually quite simple. At US$27 a barrel, crude oil prices are at their lowest level since 2003, and a long way from […]