Category Archives: Baking

Shih Tzu Mum, Auckland

I tend to bake once a fortnight. Purchasing ingredients in bulk is best value for money and making 2-3 items at a time is the most energy efficient. All my recipes come from my Grandmother’s old handwritten recipe books. I will mix and match recipes so we have a combination of eat fresh and eat […]

Keryn, Tauranga.

Potato Sally Lunn. Ingredients: 3/4 cup sugar, 1 cup cold mashed potato, 2 cups self raising flour, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 cup sultanas, about 1/4 cup milk. Cream sugar and potatoes thoroughly. Add sifted flour and salt, beat well. Stir in sultanas and sufficient milk to mix to a smooth firm dough. Shape into portions […]

Maude, Wanganui

I use self raising flour, sugar to taste if adding dried fruit, a pinch of salt and old milk. Put in COLD oven. Turn oven on to 200 degrees. When the scones should just about be ready, test to see if cooked. No butter needed. While waiting for oven to reach 200, mix up a […]

Tex, Christchurch.

Learn to make a basic scone mix. Scones are so versatile you can add in whatever you like. Dried fruits, nuts, spices, onion, pineapple, bacon bits. Use your imagination. 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons margarine or butter. If using dried fruit I find covering with water and soaking the fruit in […]