Monthly Archives: March 2009

Sue Lunjevich, Kaitaia.

I use sugar soap for cleaning walls, ceilings, floors and to wash the car. It is really good at getting road grime off the car and does not leave waxy marks on the windows… Sugar Soap is not too expensive and is available at supermarkets.

Canny Scot, Christchurch.

Fast, cheap, healthy pie. Butter 3 slices of bread, press (butter side down) into shape of pie dish. Fill with any fresh vegetables, spinach, parsley, finely chopped onion or chilli, silver beet chopped. Fill to about an inch above rim of dish as it settles. Make hole in centre and slowly pour in about 3 […]

Thirties Depression Baby, Auckland

What to do with lots of bananas. Process peeled bananas which are not too ripe in the blender with very little soy milk until of ice cream consistency and store in small containers in the freezer. (Being allergic to dairy I have not tried using milk.) My home grown bananas, plentiful this season, are quite […]

G.C., Christchurch.

Look at local Council venues for the wedding – halls, gardens and council buildings. They are much more reasonably priced than particular wedding venues as they are there for the community to use and some of them are gorgeous.  (Ask you local council.)