Monthly Archives: April 2015

Coconut milk yoghurt

Joy from Hastings asks, “Can anyone advise as to how to make coconut milk yoghurt. (We are needing to have a lactose free diet, but don’t want to miss out on yoghurt.) Many thanks!”

Peach trees

I would be interested in the varieties of peach trees your Oily Raggers use as they are notorious for contracting Brown Spot and other diseases. Is there a variety that are resistant? – Chris

Too many eggs!

My free range chooks are laying like mad and I am ending up with an excess of them. I would like some ideas of how to use them up.I do barter some. I would also like recipes for fruit loafs, which is good to freeze. Also what to do with passion fruit? Look forward to […]


Just hope you know all your work is appreciated – from the big items down to the little stuff. We need you to guide us back to the real world; all the best.

Cleaning the shower glass

JimO from Torbay in Auckland asks, “I know its and old problem but I’m desperate to find a ‘cure-all’ for cleaning the shower glass. I’ve tried the commercial ones, even tried straight meths and Sugar Soap. None have got the ingrained soap/water marks off. Anyone else had this problem?”

Dog fleas

Fay from Blenheim has a question. “Would lavender oil be okay to put on a dog to stop flees?” [Also, do you have any tips about shampoos for cats and dogs – Oily Rag Ed’]

Frozen roast ready meals

Madcow from Opunake asks, “I would like to know how to make frozen roast ready meals, like the well known brands we find in the shop freezer. Can anyone help with ideas of what to put in them and how to cook them?”

Yoghurt starter

Thrifty from Hamilton has a question for those who use part sachets of yoghurt starter. “How do you store the remaining sachet for next time so that it doesn’t go off? I’ve heard that you can seal the packet with sellotape and store it in the deep freeze – but wouldn’t that kill the culture?