Ann, Whakatane.

Make your own bread — one slice toasted spares the three of bought breads, butter and jam! The recipe (so simple and speedy) — 2 packs wholemeal flour, 3 sachets of Edmonds dry yeast (7g sachets or 1 1/2 tea spoons), salt, and add dried fruits, muesli, porridge, nuts, 3 litres of warm water. Put in preserving pan all dry ingredients, but break the yeast into a basin with 3 soup spoons of raw sugar and cover with warm water and leave to rise. While this is trebling in size, butter basins, pyrex dishes, at least six. Pour yeast in to dry ingredients and mix well with warm water. Pile into bowls (I use a soup ladel) put in 100 degrees Cent. Oven to rise for half an hour, cook at 180 degrees for up to an hour. Put in deep freeze — will last you several weeks, one slice only satisfies you till lunch!