Alternative for sweeteners
LCL from Hauraki is looking for some help from the oily rag community. LCL is diabetic and is looking for alternate sweeteners when making jam. If you have any suggestions. Do you have any suggestions?
LCL from Hauraki is looking for some help from the oily rag community. LCL is diabetic and is looking for alternate sweeteners when making jam. If you have any suggestions. Do you have any suggestions?
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting permanent markers off a whiteboard? Although I really do like the stick figure drawings that my grand kids did, I would also like to be able to use the whiteboard again!
Last week a reader from Whangarei asked if anyone has suggestions for getting permanent markers off a whiteboard. Well, we had loads of responses, all with the same suggestion! The reply by Jocelyn from Waikanae was typical. “Simply draw over the permanent marker with a water-based marker – a tip I picked up when colleagues […]
The mailbags are full again, so we thought it time to post up some of the more interesting tips and titillations. Ruth from Pahiatua has a tip for frozen spuds. “I often par-boil potatoes for 12 to 15 minutes, cool on cake rack and then freeze. When needed I can just get out as many […]
I have some of the first sets of ‘Oily Rag’ books you published and my daughter in Tasmainia has my mother’s set since she ‘passed away’ and also gets your news letters. Having grown up in Whangarei in a family with 5 brothers, and a very tight budget, my mother was very frugal, and, looking […]
With the sunny season coming to a rapid end its time to fill your pantry shelves and freezer with food to last you though to the next growing season. Those gardening off the smell of an oily rag will have barrow loads of fresh fruit and vegetables. But even those who have yet to discover […]