Mean Girl, Hastings.

Our wider family got together and decided to limit Christmas gifts to $2 per person. That way nobody is too disappointed when they don’t get anything flash. After all what do you expect $2? So what can you give for $2?

•Photos with a message printed across them, from digital machines.

• Photo frame, brought or home made.

• Plants grown from seed or cuttings.

• Home made biscuits, cakes, drinks, etc.

• Personalised pens made by printing names (or something more imaginative), on stickers in a small font. Also make a pen holder to go with them.

• Glue give away fridge magnets to the back of a small notepad, maybe attach a photo or calendar to the top to personalise it. You now have a handy shopping list to keep on the fridge.

• A family favourite is chocolate. Look for a mould that has about a dozen deep individual shapes. Slowly melt chocolate in the microwave to coat the sides of the shapes. When they have set fill with a cold gnache, made by heating 100mls of cream and dissolving 100grms of chocolate into it. This can then be flavoured with peanut butter, liqueurs or honey.

• Kids love to get a plastic glass full of lollies.

• Or lolly kebabs.

• Just make your gift look good and have fun!